Room in roof with large window and wooden beams.

Room In Roof Insulation

Room In Roof Insulation (RIRI) not only saves energy but also enhances your home’s fuel efficiency and preserves heat. Customers who choose to insulate their homes also experience reduced energy spending and consumption.

Beams and dry wall of a room in roof before insulation installation.

What is Room In Roof Insulation?

Room In Roof Insulation involves installing insulation between the rafters and completing with plasterboard partitions, ensuring a constant warmth inside your home. Typically made from polystyrene or polyurethane, the foam insulation provides effective thermal protection.

Room in roof insulation reduces heat loss through your roof. If your loft space contains rooms with fixed staircases, insulating the walls and sloping portions of the roof from the inside can also benefit them.

As a result, Room In Roof Insulation significantly enhances the thermal efficiency of your room by addressing major sources of heat loss in dwellings. Once installed, Room In Roof Insulation increases and maintains internal temperatures, enhancing the overall comfort of your home whilst reducing your energy bills and energy consumption. 

How much can I save?

Up to 25% of heat can escape from an uninsulated home, as heat naturally rises. Room In Roof Insulation is a cost-effective solution to minimise heat loss and maintain warmth by insulating behind the rafters, plasterboards or walls. By doing so, you can potentially reduce your annual heating costs by up to £240.

Use our eligibility checker below and calculate your estimated savings now. 

Close up of an engineer installing room in roof insulation.